Animation Projects

Chicago "L" Animation

Created fully in Adobe After Effects, this project was inspired by the Chicago "L" Train System. This animation was developed during a ART 438 - Digital Imaging Studio project. I learned more about the different tools that After Effect offers, and honed in my skills.

Stay Connected Digital Display

This Animation was created for the digital displays that are at the Recreation Centers on the UW-Madison Campus. Working for the Marketing & Communications Department at Rec Well, I took a static design, and produced a 20 second animation. The first image was based off of the original design, and the subsequent images were sourced and designed to match the original.

FCUW Animated Logo

Fencing Club UW-Madison Logo

Animated version of the club's logo used in video for the club's socials.

Club Sport Digital Display

An animation inspired by a static design highlighting the variety of clubs Rec Well has to offer. Posted to the Recreation Center's digital displays at the entrance and throughout the buildings.

Ready. Set. Sweat. Digital Display

Another animation created for Rec Well digital displays at the Recreation Centers. Inspired by a static image designed by a graphic design student in the same department. The other 3 images were created to match the original design, while keeping the 20 second animation interesting.

Mad Rabbit Studios Logo

Mad Rabbit Studios is a student film group created for a Capstone production class. This is an animated version of our logo that our Art Director designed.

FCUW Animated Logo